February 23, 2016

Have you been looking for a way to teach your children about dental care? If your little ones moan and groan about brushing their teeth before bed, get them excited by celebrating National Tooth Fairy Day on February 28! Our pediatric dentist in Westchester, CA has come up with some ideas for you to use.


Read a Book

A quick search of your local library is likely to turn up several results for children’s books about the tooth fairy. Grab a few and spend an afternoon reading to them. Using silly voices and props will make the stories so much fun that they might not even realize they are learning something.


Watch a Movie

Watch a family-friendly movie featuring your favorite fairy. Remember to grab some healthy snacks. Our pediatric dentist recommends carrots, apples, celery or other healthy fruits or vegetables.


Make Something

Get a little crafty! Try making a tiny pillow that is just the right size for holding a tooth or two. Your kids will love decorating the pillow to fit their personalities. As an added bonus, the pillow can be set on a bedside table, making it easier for the Tooth Fairy to do his or her job without waking little ones.


Visit the Dentist

A pediatric dentist is probably the only person who loves healthy teeth more than the Tooth Fairy. If your children have never been to the dentist or if they are due for a visit, use National Tooth Fairy Day to get them excited about going. A good pediatric dentist will do his best to ensure your children are happy and unafraid of the appointment. If your children are particularly afraid, consider telling them the Tooth Fairy offers bonuses to those who visit the dentist to celebrate her special day.


Proper oral care should be taught from a very young age to ensure your children grow up to have healthy, beautiful teeth. If you are looking for a pediatric dentist in Westchester, CA, schedule an appointment with Dr. Glenn L. Sperbeck, D.D.S. by calling 213-986-9180.



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