December 23, 2015

With the holidays approaching, it gets easier and easier to fall into bad oral health habits. There are several precautions the average American can take during the holidays and cold weather months in order to improve oral health and ensure that the teeth are healthy and strong. Regular visits to a professional like Dr. Steven Rice can also aid in diagnosing any problems before they get out of control.

Flu Season Is Here

When you think of the winter months, you probably do not think of getting sick, but that does not change the increased chance many people have of catching a cold or the flu during this time of year. If you do get sick, try these tips:

  • Rinse your mouth out after taking acidic medicines. Many cough syrups and lozenges are high in sugar content, and may eat away at your teeth if you don’t rinse after each dose.
  • Do not neglect your brushing habits. Even though it’s difficult to get out of bed at times when you are sick, brushing should always be at the top of your list.

The last thing you want to have to deal with when you are not feeling well is damage to your teeth, so take these steps to maintain your dental health.

Holiday Traveling

The holidays commonly come with a chance to visit friends or family. When traveling, make sure to keep up with your brushing and flossing routine. Additionally, packing your brush away can foster the growth of bacteria. It may be wise to simply buy a disposable brush for your trip so you do not have to worry about compromising your regular brush. You should be replacing your toothbrush once every four months.

Schedule an Appointment

None of these precautions can take the place of regularly seeing your dental professional. Call (301) 245-3562 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rice, your periodontist in Rockville, MD, and ensure your teeth are in good condition.



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