November 28, 2015

If you count yourself among the 18 million Americans that suffer from diabetes, then you are well aware of the fact that it can lead to other complications that further hinder your health. While it may seem difficult to believe, your periodontist in Southfield, MI will tell you that one of the more common problems associated with diabetes is gum disease. However, simply having diabetes does not mean that you are doomed to also experience oral health complications. With just a little bit of added vigilance on your part, you can help safeguard yourself against developing periodontal problems.

Why Are Diabetes and Gum Disease Linked?

Many often ask us how your having diabetes can increase your chances of also suffering from gum and periodontal disease. The answer lies in the common pathogenesis that these conditions both share. They both promote an increased inflammatory response to external forces at both local and systemic levels. This makes dealing with one condition more difficult of your management of the other is poor. For example, the high blood sugar levels so often associated with diabetes can exacerbate the effects of gum disease. Conversely, bacteria introduced into the body because of gum disease can cause complications with your diabetes.

What You Can Do

However, there are ways to avoid such problems. Establishing a good oral care routine can help prevent gum disease even with the added risk that your diabetes presents. This routine should include:

  • Regular brushing and flossing (remember to also brush your tongue to remove any bacteria).
  • Avoiding sugary or acidic drinks.
  • Meeting with your dentist or periodontists at least once every year for an examination.

As is the case with so many aspects of your oral health, avoiding gum disease dangers requires a commitment to good dental hygiene. Part of that means routine checkups with Dr. Nemeth. He and the rest of our staff can help keep your mouth a place untouched by the effects of your diabetes. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today.



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