There are numerous symptoms when a person is suffering from impacted wisdom teeth and the most common are jaw pain and tenderness in the gum tissue. A visit with Shenandoah Valley Implant Institute should reveal whether an impaction is causing the problem. If that is the case, then those teeth need to be removed immediately to avoid further complications.
One issue that can arise with an impaction is that a wisdom tooth can push against one of your molars, damaging it or pushing it out of place. Other teeth can move as a result, and if the damage is severe enough, then it may require orthodontics to correct. You will know this is taking place because you will experience a sharp pain toward the back of your mouth.
Patients who suffer from impacted wisdom teeth often report the same issues. They include, but are not limited to:
These symptoms also arise with other oral health problems. Therefore, it is paramount to see a periodontist right away to determine what is going on.
Cysts are small, fluid-filled sacs that can develop anywhere on the body. When a patient has an impacted wisdom tooth, it can lead to a cyst. This can damage the surrounding nerves, teeth and jawbone. In a vast majority of cases, bone and tissue need to be removed for the cyst to be eliminated.
Contact Us Now to Start Feeling Better
If you still have not had your wisdom teeth removed or if you have a teenager who requires the procedure, then contact the office of Shenandoah Valley Implant Institute immediately. Our qualified staff will ensure you get the treatment you need to feel your best.