December 29, 2015

Issues with your gums and teeth can occur in any number of ways. While most can be prevented through a proper home dental hygiene regimen, some can develop due to factors out of your control, such as diabetes or the development of other chronic conditions. Yet even with the potential for gum problems ever present, there are a number of surgical treatment options that your periodontist in Springfield, MO can make available to you.

Reviewing Traditional Surgical Techniques

In many cases, advanced surgical treatment will be required to effectively combat the causes and effects of whatever gum or periodontal issues may be plaguing you. In the past, your only options when considering such treatment were traditional surgical techniques. Using standard tools such as scalpels and sutures, dental care providers excise the diseased gum tissue and/or scrape away bacteria. While generally effective, these procedures can feel very invasive and require extensive recovery times.

The Benefits of Laser Gum Surgery

Recent advances in dental and periodontal science have introduced laser treatments into the oral surgery world. Compared to traditional gum surgery, laser surgery allows for benefits such as:

  • Little to no bleeding during the procedure
  • Condensed recovery times
  • Minimal post-operative gum recession and tooth sensitivity

These benefits are possible thanks to the increased accuracy that laser gum surgery delivers. The laser utilized by Dr. Tokarczyk during this treatment is finely calibrated to deliver a high-frequency beam that allows him to target only the diseased tissue. The laser then burns away the affected area, leaving the healthy gum tissue surrounding it untouched. Not only does this shorten your procedure time, but it also promotes the growth of healthy tissue and bone.

A skilled periodontist in Springfield, MO like Dr. Tokarczyk has the expertise needed to make your gum disease quick and painless. He and the rest of our staff cannot wait to help reverse the toll that gum disease has taken on you. To learn more about the benefits of laser gum surgery, simply call us at 417.882.2880 and schedule a consultation appointment today.



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