If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, your options can seem a little frightening. The important thing to know is that when it is treated and the patient follows through with medical advice, periodontal disease is manageable, and the treatments can even leave patients infection-free after a time. There are a few different gum disease treatment options, but the one that patients prefer is the laser gum treatment.
How Laser Gum Treatment Works
When Dr. Ruff uses lasers to clean infected tissue, there are a couple of things happening.
Laser treatments can be used alongside other treatments, like gum tissue grafts, but there are some patients who are not candidates for this kind of procedure.
What Makes a Good Candidate for Laser Gum Treatment?
Laser gum treatment is designed to work on the “pockets” of infection that form when gum disease advances, so you may not be in an advanced enough state of the condition for these treatments to be ideal. That would be excellent, and it means that you can probably work with the dentist to improve your oral hygiene instead. It’s also true that after a certain point, more radical surgical interventions may be needed, because laser treatment cannot replace bone mass lost to advanced gum disease.
Make an Appointment With the Dentist
If you are looking to discuss gum disease treatment options, contact us today for an appointment. Our office associates will be available during regular business hours. Remember, the sooner you make your appointment, the sooner you can get help improving your oral health by treating your gum disease in Windsor, CO.