Whether you need a dental implant or are recovering from a jaw injury, a bone graft may be something you’ve been recommended. This advanced procedure is one your dentist should refer to a periodontist due to the complexity involved. How do you know you’re a candidate for a graft? Consider these criteria.
General Good Health
A bone graft is a surgical procedure, so you need to be healthy enough to go under anesthesia and endure the recovery period. Some factors that can prevent you from being a good surgical candidate include:
Some of these issues are treatable with other medications and lifestyle changes. It is possible if you have, for example, diabetes, that medication can get this ailment under control enough so you can undergo a surgical graft. Talk to your periodontist about any medical conditions you have to see what they recommend.
Stable Environment
Surgery recovery often requires you have somewhere safe to rest and recuperate. You may also need to take time off from work, especially if you work with heavy machinery that would become dangerous while you are taking post-operative pain killers. If you are unable to leave work to recover or are in the middle of a stressful life event, such as moving, then you may need to wait a while before undergoing surgery.
The Benefits
The main benefit of a bone graft is being able to receive an implant for a missing or damaged tooth. Your teeth rely on a strong jaw to latch onto and the same is true for an implant. Other oral issues, like gum recession or jaw pain, can also be helped with a graft.
Surgery requires a lot out of your body for proper recovery, but the lasting results can improve your quality of life. If you need a bone graft, schedule an appointment with Dr. Gandhi, an experienced periodontist in Garland, TX.