Many often question why it seems organizations lobby to have months and days designated for the remembrance of their causes. Those who have been affected by the issues that these organizations showcase understand. Often, it is not done to remember those hindered or harmed by particular problems, but rather to raise awareness to keep others from being impacted by them, as well. April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and the families of the over 9,500 people that the National Cancer Institute reports were lost to this disease in 2016 want to make you aware of how much this condition could potentially alter your life.
Who Is At Risk of Developing Oral Cancer?
Oral cancer, like all other forms, has an increased chance of developing amongst certain demographics. Risk factors that could increase your chances of contracting this disease include:
As is the case with all varieties of cancer, early detection increases your chances of overcoming it dramatically. If two or more of the risk factors mentioned above apply to you, consider getting an oral cancer screening. Such a procedure can easily be done by your local oral surgeon in Freedom, CA.
It is estimated that nearly one in three people is impacted by cancer in some way. Thanks to the expertise of Dr. Herrera, a simple oral cancer screening can help ensure that you do not become another of these statistics. To schedule an appointment for a screening or to discuss your personal risk factors, contact us right away.