Not only do many find receding gums embarrassing, they can also age your face, result in tooth loss and lead to damaged roots. Thankfully, a breakthrough in dental technology has resulted in the invention of the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique. Dr. Parvis Roshanzamir specializes in this rejuvenating technique that can do much more than restore your confidence and improve your oral health. Learn more about PST and the many benefits it offers for patients with receding gums.
What It Is
What is so groundbreaking about PST when compared with the traditional surgery used for receding gums is that the technique is noninvasive, meaning there are no incisions. What is more is patients do not have to worry about dealing with sutures while they are recovering. A small pinhole is made in the tissue before the tissue is loosened and used to cover the exposed teeth. Patients love the fact that there is very little pain and that they start to notice immediate results after their surgery, and oral surgeons love the fact that the procedure usually lasts no more than an hour.
How It Is Done
Before making a pinhole in the tissue, the patient receives a local anesthetic. After the surgical area is cleaned and properly prepared, the pinhole is made and the tissue is carefully maneuvered over the teeth. To make sure the tissue remains in place during the healing process, special collagen strips are inserted between the gum tissue and surgical entry point.
How It Begins
Before undergoing surgery, patients first complete a consultation. During this time, you will speak with Dr. Roshanzamir concerning the total extent of your gum recession as well as any other issues you are experiencing that are related to gum recession.
Get in Touch with Us
If you are ready to learn more about effective ways to treat gum recession in Vancouver, BC, contact Dr. Roshanzamir today. We have got the perfect technique to give you back your smile and improve your oral health.