With millions of Americans being diagnosed with diabetes each year, more people are experiencing the additional health concerns that come along with a chronic condition. If you are affected by diabetes or some other health problem, your oral health may be at a higher risk of developing problems. That is why it is important to see an experienced periodontist, like Dr. Raymond A. Kenzik, so you can adjust your oral hygiene routine to keep your teeth in top condition. Those who suffer from diabetes in Ormond Beach, FL, should make this a priority.
Awareness in November
In November, our goal is to reach out to our patients to remind them of the complications associated with diabetes. This month it is a focus because November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Since diabetes is so common, it is vital to find out if you are at risk for developing this disease. Those who have a family history with the disease should talk to their primary care physician about their risks.
An Increased Risk for Gum Disease
Having a chronic disease may also mean an increased risk of developing gum disease. Conditions like diabetes affect the amount of bad bacteria that is in your mouth. If your oral hygiene habits are not ridding your mouth of the bacteria, that can increase the risk of gum disease as well.
How Your Dental Care Provider Can Help
Luckily, there are steps you can take to give your oral hygiene a better outlook. With Dr. Kenzik and his staff, you can work on practicing great brushing and flossing habits to keep these germs at bay. Additionally, if you are already noticing some possible gum disease symptoms, Dr. Kenzik can treat your gums to prevent further damage.
Contact us today to learn more about the unique oral health issues that people with diabetes may have. Dr. Kenzik and his staff can give you more advice about how to improve your routine for optimal oral health.