December 13, 2016

With the advent of the holidays, every person knows that the sweets are coming. From those cupcakes at your daughter’s school party, to your co-workers’ famous peanut butter fudge, we’re all surrounded by sugar this time of year.

What’s a responsible person who wants to keep their teeth and gums healthy going to do?

Before you assume that it’s all or nothing, you can relax a little. Yes, you can have some treats and goodies over the holidays. The key is to make sure that you’re not overindulging, which is bad for your general health as well as your teeth, and that you keep cavities at bay with some new routines.

As your dentist in Fishers, IN, we recommend taking the following actions during the holidays in addition to brushing and flossing twice a day:

  1. Say yes to some sweets, and no to the stickier ones. Sticky, gooey candies might taste good temporarily, but they can wreak havoc on your teeth. Many cavities begin because food is allowed to sit on and between the teeth. It’s difficult to completely remove all the sugars after having taffy, gummy candies and chews, even if you brush and floss afterwards.
  2. Bring some dental items with you. You never know when you’ll be tempted by a snickerdoodle or chocolate-covered pretzel. That’s why you need to be prepared and plan ahead. Always store a travel dental kit in your car, purse or bag. The kit can include floss, toothpaste, mouthwash, a toothbrush and anything else that will help you keep your teeth and gums clean. After you have a meal, go into the bathroom and do a two-minute dental cleaning. Your mouth will feel better, and your enamel will (silently!) thank you!
  3. Watch out for hard foods. Nuts are a very popular holiday treat, and they’re much better for you than most sweets from a nutritional perspective. The issue? They’re very hard and could lead to cracked teeth. Never try to break open a nut shell with your molars or front teeth, and always be aware that a nut could chip a tooth or break off an old filling.
  4. Get problems checked pronto. Are your teeth super-sensitive or painful? You could be heading for new cavities or other dental issues. As your dentist in Fishers, IN, we work during the holidays, so feel free to give us a call at the first sign of concern. The faster you intervene, the less likely that problems will cause long-term damage.

Enjoy the Holiday Sweets Responsibly!

Feel good about making your meal and snack choices this holiday season, and contact us for any help you may need.



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