July 5, 2018

Diseases of the gums, including gingivitis, are among the most common preventable health problems. They have big consequences if they go untreated, too. Since symptoms can include long-term changes to your mouth like receding gums, preventing gum disease needs to be a priority. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re on top of your gum health, and if you are keeping an eye on the progress of any early symptoms, you should be able to keep your mouth healthy.

Easy Prevention Tips

If you’re in a high-risk category for gum diseases, your dentist might have more specific recommendations to help you prevent symptoms from progressing, but everyone can benefit from these simple tips:

  • Make sure you go in for regular dental cleanings. This not only helps keep your mouth cleaner, it gives you a chance to get professional feedback about your oral health, including information about any symptoms.
  • Brush and floss daily, using the recommended techniques to ensure you are also cleaning the gums.
  • Use a mouthwash that is designed to help fight gum diseases like gingivitis.
  • Avoid habits that contribute to receding gums and poor oral health like heavy alcohol consumption and tobacco consumption.

Symptoms to Look For

Some people are more prone to oral health problems than others, even when steps are taken to prevent them. That’s why it’s important to know what symptoms to watch out for when you’re worried about gum disease. If you see these symptoms, consult a dentist immediately.

  • Bleeding gums
  • Tenderness in the gums
  • Redness
  • Receding gums
  • Teeth changing position
  • Persistent oral pain

Seeking treatment early means getting the help you need before symptoms have progressed far enough to have serious consequences. If you find yourself experiencing multiple gum disease symptoms, you should contact our office to make an appointment with Dr. Angela Cotey in Mt. Horeb, WI right away. If you’re working on prevention, make sure you have an appointment scheduled for your next cleaning, too.



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