February 17, 2017

Are you ignoring your sore or bleeding gums because you think treatment will be painful or inconvenient? If so, then you should be aware that even minor bleeding can progress to severe gum disease if it does not receive proper attention. However, thanks to emerging research and developing technologies, there are some new gum disease treatment options available from your periodontist in Miami, FL.

Laser Treatment

Traditional surgical treatments for gum disease can damage healthy tissue and inhibit complete healing, but LANAP® Laser Protocol is different. Dr. Scott Ross and Dr. Bradley Ross are happy to offer this non-surgical option, which targets only the areas of the mouth that are affected by the disease. The treated areas bleed and swell only minimally, and the surrounding areas are left intact. Most patients who receive LANAP® experience low infection rates and fast recovery times.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

When gingivitis advances to severe periodontal disease, it can cause significant tissue loss. Surgical treatment is often the best course of action in these cases. Guided tissue regeneration is one method that can improve your long-term outcomes. During this surgery, Dr. Ross strategically places barrier membranes in areas of tissue loss. Over the next few months, these membranes support the growth of new tissue, cultivating an environment that can support dental implants.

Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique

Dr. Ross is an authorized provider of Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique, a patented, minimally invasive procedure. During PST™, the periodontal treatment team places a small pinhole in the gums. They then use special instruments to reach through the pinhole and relocate existing gum tissue, covering areas that have receded. Not only does this make an instantaneous cosmetic improvement, but there is also minimal bleeding and down time after the procedure.

Contact Us

All gum disease cases are different, so the ideal treatment varies by case. If you are interested in learning more about these treatments and finding out if one will work for you, please contact South Florida Periodontics and Dental Implants.



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