When most people think about periodontal disease (gum disease), they imagine teeth covered with a layer of plaque. This is what gum disease in Fishers, IN looks like in its early to moderate stages but what many people do not realize is that more than just teeth and gums are affected by this condition. The vascular inflammation associated with advancing periodontal disease is also associated with strokes. In fact, studies have shown that people who have suffered a stroke are at a higher risk of developing periodontal disease. There are many diseases that share a link with inflammation, although the reason for this connection is currently unknown.
What Patients Should Know
When it comes to the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular health, a few things are known. The plaque present on teeth can enter the bloodstream through small scratches and cuts on the gums, which has the potential to contribute to a blockage somewhere in the cardiovascular system. This is just one of the reasons why people who have advancing periodontal disease and who are at risk for a heart attack or stroke should take steps to treat it. Anyone who has been diagnosed with the early stages of periodontal disease should also speak with their dentist about treating it and preventing any further development. Fishers, IN dentist, Dr. Jeremy Jones can help you learn more about the factors that contribute to the development of periodontal disease and how it can be prevented.
Regular Care Is a Must
A regular dental checkup includes a check for the signs of periodontal disease and many other important services, including:
If you have concerns about the link between stroke and periodontal disease in Fishers, IN, Dr. Jeremy Jones is here to help. You can schedule a consultation at any time or ask questions during your next dental checkup. Our entire team is here to help you enjoy a higher standard of oral health. Contact our office today at (317) 565-4875 to schedule your next dental appointment.