November 30, 2015

When most people think about gum disease, they think only of the symptoms commonly associated with the condition, including chronic halitosis, red gums that bleed easily, gum recession and tooth loss. However, there are many more gum disease dangers besides those already mentioned. According to recent studies and research, untreated periodontal disease is also linked to diabetes. As a trusted periodontist in Dubuque, IA, Dr. James Fili encourages patients to seek prompt treatment for their uncomfortable periodontal disease symptoms, and possibly reduce their risk of becoming diabetic.

Should You Be Worried?

Periodontal diseases are quite common throughout the world, especially among those with insufficient dental hygiene practices. The two main types of periodontal diseases are gingivitis (limited to the gingiva and fairly easy to reverse) and periodontitis (more serious inflammation that extends to the bone and destroys tissue). Early stages are often not painful, which is why patients often overlook their symptoms and are completely unaware of their condition until the disease progresses to more serious, painful stages.

The truth is that nearly 10-15% of adults in study populations are affected by severe periodontitis, while 40-60% of adults suffer from moderate periodontitis. With odds like this, it is important to pay close attention to the sometimes subtle symptoms of developing periodontal disease, including:

  • Unusually red gums
  • Persistent bad taste on the tongue
  • Constant, noticeable bad breath
  • Gums that bleed easily, especially during and after brushing and flossing
  • Teeth that feel loose
  • Formation of visible pockets between the gums and the teeth
  • Changes in how the teeth line up when biting down

If you have any of these symptoms and suspect that you may have gum disease, it is important to schedule an appointment with Dr. Filli at your earliest convenience. Doing so may help reduce your chances of developing diabetes along with the many other unpleasant side effects associated with gum disease. To schedule your appointment, call 563.293.2375 today!



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