When symptoms of gum disease show up during regular cleanings at home or with the periodontist, patients start to have a lot of important questions about the condition. The first thing to remember is that there’s a difference between that and periodontal disease. While symptoms of the former are serious and need to be treated right away, they are also largely reversible. Once a patient’s condition advances to periodontal disease, though, the effects are not reversible any longer. The progression of the disease might be halted through treatment, and reconstruction might be possible, but a simple reversal of symptoms will be out of the question.
Signs of Reversible Gum Disease
These are the symptoms that can be reversed if gum disease is treated in time:
The pulling away of the gums from the teeth is the beginning of receding gums, a symptom that is reversible in the early stages, but which can become irreversible if there is enough tissue damage.
Reversing Early Symptoms
Working with a periodontist regularly will help reverse symptoms that can be reversed. The key to keeping your original, wonderful smile the way you like it is to consult a professional as soon as you see any of those early signs of gum disease. Regular periodontal cleanings help halt the advance of symptoms, and the regular monitoring of your condition will make sure you have access to other interventions as they become appropriate.
If you’re experiencing the symptoms of gum disease listed above, you don’t have time to wait. Contact our office in Harrisonburg, VA to make an appointment with either Dr. Saunders or Dr. Dickson. After a consultation and an initial cleaning, you’ll be able to find out more about exactly what to do to halt your symptoms and reverse any damage that might have started.