February 5, 2018

When something feels off about your smile – particularly your jaw and if it clicks when you speak or eat – you may need to see a dentist. When the temporomandibular joint, also known as the TMJ, becomes damaged it results in many unpleasant side effects. See a dental professional as soon as you can to prevent small symptoms of TMJ disorder from exacerbating the issue.

What Are the Early Symptoms of the Disorder?

The jaw joint becomes damaged when it experiences a severe impact or when it sustains damage from arthritis. Some early warning signs indicating you have the disorder include:

  • Tenderness or pain in the jaw
  • Aching facial discomfort
  • Pain around the ears
  • Problems with chewing
  • Joints locking into place
  • Clicking when opening your mouth

What Are the Long-Term Side Effects?

Temporomandibular joint disorders are not life-threatening, but they can drastically impact your quality of life. If you fail to get proper treatment, then you can expect to experience intense migraines, severe back pain, and tinnitus. TMJ has also been linked to depression and anxiety. The constant pain can also negatively affect a person’s sleep patterns.

Additionally, the pain of chewing can prevent some people from eating certain foods. It may be harder to eat tougher foods, such as nuts and vegetables. Your overall health will be affected if you are not getting all essential nutrients.

How Is It Treated?

Dentist Dr. Andrew Kim can provide you with various methods to relieve the discomfort, such as jaw relaxation exercises and surgery for extreme cases. In addition to alleviating the various symptoms and enjoying a higher quality of life, patients can also expect to reduce their risk of additional dental damage. TMJ can lead to cracked teeth and dental erosion over time.

Where Can You Go for Treatment?

Dr. Kim’s office in Stamford, CT is open to anyone who suffers from jaw disorders. Whether you have noticed the symptoms for a few days or a few years, it is never too early or too late to schedule an appointment.



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